sábado, 9 de janeiro de 2016

Timex Computer 2048

In fact, two different systems were called Timex 2048.
The first, called TS-2048 (for Timex-Sinclair) was designed by Timex USA but never passed the prototype stage. It was a 16K version of the TS-2068 with the same silver case but reduced features, a Kempston joystick interface and additional video modes. At the time when it was ready to be launched, the market had moved to 48K and 64K systems, and there was no future for a new 16K machine.

The second, named TC-2048 (for Timex Computers) was designed and made in Portugal by the Timex Portuguese subsidiary. It kept some features of the US prototype - joystick interface and extra video modes - and was 99% compatible with the ZX Spectrum. Slight differences in BASIC ROM and edge connector prevented some rare game software or peripherals to run correctly.

However, it was a better quality machine than the genuine Sinclair. Plastic-key keyboard was more reliable and had a full-sized space bar, a power switch and power Led were added and the custom ULA chip offered better IRQ and memory management.

Thanks to its extra video modes, the TC-2048 was able to display 80 columns text. Coupled with an external floppy disc unit - generally, the FDD-3000 - it could run CP/M O.S. and software.

As Timex Computers was only allowed to distribute the TC-2048 in countries where the Sinclair Spectrum wasn't established, it was only sold in Portugal and Poland. it met a great success in both countries where several ten-thousands machines were sold.

5 comentários:

  1. Tenho ideia que li algures que foi também vendido no Chile. Sobre a Polónia, li que não podia haver trocas em €, e por isso a TC mandava para lá Computadores Timex e eles enviavam o monitor Neptune 156, monocromático.
    Estranho que a versão TS-2048 tivesse só 16k, pois os nomes geralmente reflectem a memória do mesmo. Acho que o que li, foi os Timex 1000 e 1500, versões do Zx-80 e Zx-81 não vingaram no mercado norte americano, e quando o Timex TS-2068 estava pronto para começar a serem lançados no mercado, a empresa Timex, decidiu abandonar a ideia do negócio dos microcomputadores, aliás, que nunca tinha sido o negócio da Timex. O stock do TS-2068 foi lançado na Argentina, onde teve sucesso. Deve haver aqui algumas imprecisões....

  2. Alguém que faça um tag ao João Diogo Ramos :p

  3. Precisa fazer algumas correcções. O TS2048 era para ser um 2068 com 16K mas com o "apressar do lançamento" devido aos atrasos, o "OS2068" não funciona em 16K. Portanto não teria interface joystick kempson, teria sim os joysticks Timex 2090.
    O CP/M não corre no 2048, o CP/M corre no FDD3000, o 2048 serve apenas de terminal video.

  4. Passados 4 anos e mesmo sem saber quem é o Zarabatan, vim aqui parar numas pesquisas no google. Mundo pequeno mesmo :-)
